How to delete comment on word doc for printing
How to delete comment on word doc for printing

how to delete comment on word doc for printing

If you’ve ever wondered why there’s a blank page at the end of your Word document that won’t go away, that’s because the word processor includes an end paragraph that can’t be deleted. All that’s left to do now is press the Backspace key (or Delete on Mac). Select “Go To.”Īll of the content on your current page will be selected. Word will compare the two files to determine what was changed and then create a new document. Choose the Revised document, then click OK. If the file is not in the list, click the Browse button to locate it. Press the ESC key when you are finished typing the comment. Choose your Original document by clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting the document from the list.

how to delete comment on word doc for printing

Type your comment in the box that appears to the right of the document. Next, go to the Insert tab and click Comment in the Comments group. Note: Before pressing the Delete key, make sure that the comment is selected. To insert a comment into a document, first click on the place in the document that you want to comment on. To remove all comments at once, click a comment, and then on the Review tab, click the arrow below Delete, and click Delete All Comments. In the Comments list, right-click on the comment you want to delete, choose Delete from the context menu. Click the comment, and on the Review tab, click Delete. Now, type \page in the “Enter Page Number” text box. If your document has comments, they won't be removed when you accept or reject tracked changes. You’ll now be in the “Go To” tab of the “ Find & Replace” window. Next, press Ctrl + G on Windows, or Option + Command + G on Mac. Note that if there are multiple Word documents in this folder. Step 5: Right-click the desired file, then choose the Delete option. The problem with comments is that they may be hidden if markup is not displayed. Step 4: Browse to the location of the file that you want to delete. You can remove comments in Word by right-clicking, using the Review tab in the Ribbon or using the Inspector.

how to delete comment on word doc for printing

Step 3: Choose the Open tab at the left side of the window. You can see the page number of the page you’re on by looking in the bottom-left corner of the window. Step 2: Select the File tab at the top-left of the window. The first thing you’ll want to do is tap anywhere on the page that you want to delete. If you don’t want to manually click and highlight the page’s text, you can use the built-in Find and Replace tool. The absolutely quickest way to get rid of a content page in Word is to select the content on that page and press the Backspace key (Delete on Mac).

How to delete comment on word doc for printing